Prizm Document Converter
Installation on a Headless Environment

The '#' sign in command examples denotes running the command as the root user. All command lines preceded by the '>' sign are the example output of that command, where applicable.

Step 1 - Download Prizm Document Converter

  1. Download the appropriate package for your distribution by going to:

    Packages are only available for 64-bit systems.

Step 2: Unpack & Install the Downloaded Archive

Open a command line and change to the location where you downloaded the tarball. Use the following command line examples appropriate for your distribution to:

  1. Decompress and unpack the downloaded file. After you have unpacked the archive, the contents will have been decompressed into a directory named "prizmdc_<version>_rpm(or _deb)". 
  2. Change to the unpacked directory and install the packages.

    Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, and Older Linux Distributions

    Copy Code
    # tar –xzvf prizmdc_<version>_rpm.tar.gz

     # cd prizmdc<version>_rpm

     # yum install –nogpgcheck *.rpm

    Debian (Ubuntu) Linux Distributions

    Copy Code
    # tar –xzvf prizmdc_<version>_deb.tar.gz

     # cd prizmdc<version>_deb

     # sudo dpkg –i *.deb

     # sudo apt-get –f install

    Generic .tar.gz Distribution

    We also provide a generic .tar.gz package. You will need to install the dependencies described in the Requirements section. Once the dependencies are installed, you can install the .tar.gz with the following commands as root:

    Copy Code
    # tar -xzvf prizm-documentconverter*.tar.gz

     # tar -xzvf prizm-services*.tar.gz

     # cp -R prizm /usr/share/   

Step 3: Setup

  1. Run the following commands to initiate setup:
    Copy Code
    # cd /usr/share/prizm
    # sh ./

    The setup script will now invoke a text-based wizard for licensing.

    To install a license at the end of the evaluation period, (for example, a deployment license), run the following command:

    Copy Code
    # ./ eval get

    If you already have a license for PDC, you can use one of the other licensing options, detailed in the Command Line Mode Licensing section of  the help.

  2. To confirm the licensing has succeeded, run the following command, which will output your license key:
    Copy Code
    # cat ./conf/ | grep license_key
    > license_key=<long string>
  3. If PDC has started and no errors have been reported, then the installation process is complete.
    However, if you have an error in the log stating that it cannot connect to the Office converter Worker-1 instance, then you must continue to the 'Step 4 - Running an X Virtual Framebuffer' section below.

Step 4: Running an X Virtual Framebuffer Server

A full version of the X11 server is not required to run PDC. However, the minimum requirement is the X Virtual Framebuffer Server, which you can install and run separately from an entire X11 instance.

  1. To install the X Virtual Framebuffer Server, run the following command:


    Copy Code
    # sudo apt-get install xvfb

    Red Hat / CentOS

    Copy Code
    # yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
  2. Start the service by running the following command, and then export the instance to the DISPLAY environment variable expected by the Prizm service:
    Copy Code
    # Xvfb :20 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    # export DISPLAY=:20
  3. Start PDC:
    Copy Code
    # /usr/share/prizm/scripts/ start


    The X Virtual Framebuffer Server must be running any time that the Prizm service is running.


    It may be appropriate to create a script that will start the Xvfb service and Prizm Services (the 3 lines above) to execute whenever the machine is restarted.

Step 5 - Configure on CentOS 5.x

PDC will not work on a CentOS 5.x system with the default LibreOffice. For this purpose you need to download and install LibreOffice from as described below:

  1. Install the latest stable version of LibreOffice for your OS. Download and install it from this location:
  2. Follow LibreOffice Installation instructions from this location:

    LibreOffice Desktop Integration for Linux is not needed; you do not need to complete those steps.

    The LibreOffice installation might fail if you have LibreOffice or any other application already listening on any of the following ports: 18580, 18584, 18585, 18586, 18590, 18591, 18592, 18593, 18680.

    By default, Prizm Document Converter installs the proxy service on port 18680 and uses 3 of the following ports for conversion purposes: 18580, 18584, 18585, 18586, 18591, 18592, 18593. You can add more ports as your traffic increases.

  3. Locate root folder of your LibreOffice installation. The LibreOffice is usually located in the following directory: /opt/libreoffice4.x
  4. Edit <prizm-install>/conf/ and change following parameter to fit the root location of LibreOffice:
    Copy Code
    Office Document converter installation base directory
  5. Change the watchdog.config OCS officeInstallPath to point to a community version of LibreOffice. By default this value is:

    Copy Code


    Copy Code

    Example of fixed path:

    Copy Code
  6. Save, restart Prizm service, and check proxyserver.log to make sure PDC uses the installed LibreOffice.



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